The people who use our boards.

344 interviews since 2018

Chelsea Johnson

Developer, Gamer, Cat Lady

Who are you, and what do you do? What do you like to do outside of work?

I’m Chelsea, and I’m a software developer living in Colorado! I enjoy gaming (longtime FFXIV fan), loafing, and spending time with my husband and two cats (Nyx and Penny Lane, who is 20 years old!!!).

Chelsea Johnson's cat Nyx
Nyx guards the setup with the seriousness of a sphinx

What hardware do you use?

For work, I use a Macbook Pro and two monitors (one for the web browser, one for text editor and terminal).

To swap peripherals between Mac and PC, I use an Amazon Basics 4-Port USB to USB 2.0 Ultra-Mini Hub Adapter. I use a Logitech G600 gaming mouse. It has lots of buttons, but my favorite feature is a ring-finger button.

My desk is a Jarvis Bamboo Standing Desk, which is nice and purty. I use a basic IKEA office chair. I’m on the shorter side, and the chair actually fits nicely. My cute li’l LED lamp looks like a giant dumpling.

Chelsea Johnson's setup
Chelsea's setup is simple and cheerful

And what software?

On my work computer, I run software like JetBrains products (IntelliJ, RubyMine), iTerm2, Docker, etc. I’m into cute text editor themes, and @sailorhg has some great ones.

On my PC, I run various PC games.

What’s your keyboard setup like? Do you use a custom layout or custom keycaps?

I use the left board as a numpad for gaming. To get more space for number keys, I moved WASD over (so it’s in the ESDF position), which was weird to get used to, but I can access keys 1-9 pretty easily.

I have a coiled TRSS cable from @cookiecables, and I use @mintlodica’s DSA Magic Girl keycaps with a Magic Girl desk mat.

I have various artisan keycaps, listed left to right and top to bottom:

Chelsea Johnson's keyboard, left side
The left side of Chelsea's keyboard is a little art gallery...
Chelsea Johnson's keyboard, right side
...and so is the right side!

What would be your dream setup?

An office surrounded by windows overlooking a mountain or beach, with five or six cats inside.

I’m looking for a few more artisans, but man, the raffles are hard to win (artisan keycaps is a cutthroat and expensive hobby haha). I want keycaps by @bowbie.keycaps and @craftedbyannie.

Chelsea Johnson's keyboard at night
Chelsea's keyboard shines with sheer shoujo joy

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